7th June 2017 | Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) Mentoring Coffee Session #4
Fedelis Sdn Bhd and rhipe Malaysia Sdn Bhd are making forth event collaboration in Microsoft Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) Program.
Fedelis Sdn Bhd and rhipe Malaysia Sdn Bhd are making forth event collaboration in Microsoft Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) Program.
If you’re Office 365 users, you’re encourage to join our training since this training will be beneficial to you and your company.
For those who are non-Office 365 users, you’re most welcome to this training as well to gain more about the product knowledge.
In this seminar, we hope to share some insights where Information Technology will be able to improve HR outcomes, specifically in the process of using Corporate Intranets and Enterprise Social. Our senior consultant, who is also the Microsoft MVP – Vincent Choy will be one of the main speaker to share his insight on this topic.
Fedelis Sdn Bhd and rhipe Malaysia Sdn Bhd are making third time collaboration in Microsoft Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) Program.
In this seminar, we hope to share some insights where Information Technology will be able to improve HR outcomes, specifically in the process of using Corporate Intranets and Enterprise Social. Our senior consultant, who is also the Microsoft MVP – Vincent Choy will be one of the main speaker to share his insight on this topic.
With the release of Sharepoint Online, within Microsoft’s Office365 family, Electronic Document Management has now become significantly more affordable.
Fedelis Sdn Bhd and Rhipe Malaysia Sdn Bhd are making second time collaboration in Microsoft Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) Program.
Microsoft has been quietly rolling out a slew of collaborative apps inside Office 365.
The list of collaborative apps now includes OneDrive, Groups, Mobile Management, OneNote, Yammer, Planner, Teams and Delve.
Feedback we have heard from IT managers is they are confused, the users are confused. So many tools, which to use.
Our Senior Consultant, Mr Vincent Choy is a Microsoft’s Most Valuable Professional (MVP) will share more on his experience on how to sell Office 365.
We are featured in Nanyang Siang Pao arcticle. 全球经济低迷, 加上我国政府实施消费税 (GST) 、 取消多项补贴等, 促使生活成本升高, 逼得企业不得不削减开销, 四处更掀起了一阵 “裁员风”。 不过, 微软最有价值专家 (Microsoft MVP) 兼企业社会顾问蔡惠彬认为, 这种方式带来的作用不大, 因为企业在这时候反而更需要员工推高销量, 加强业绩表现。 他认为企业在面对挑战时期一定要改变, 而科技则是促进企业发展的最大增强剂。 其中, 在国际商界早已掀起一股热潮的云端 (Cloud), 收费不高和有助提升效率, 是其中一个能帮助企业解决问题的可负担方式。 在经济衰退时, 企业为了生存, 第一个想法必定是削减成本, 冻结所有开销, 却对企业的帮助不大。 从资产负债表来看, 员工薪金的成本最高, 紧接而来则是租金和基建费用, 这合计占了企业总成本的70%, 所以, 假设企业要在其他方面冻结成本, 其实作用不大。 裁员打击士气 不过,不少企业为了降低成本,除了冻结开销,也会裁员,但这治标不治本。 短期内,可以看到成本下跌,推高盈利;但长期而言,裁员的做法将打击士气,间接也会影响公司盈利,反而使到企业面对的情况越来越糟糕。 在充满挑战的营运环境,中小企业一般上都会收紧预算,而对科技的开销相比大型企业更有限。 因此,不少中小企业因为面对购买电脑系统的成本高昂,而决定采用次级或更差的系统,但蔡惠彬认为这会使到企业无法提升能力,以及提供更佳的服务给客户,衍生成为企业的另一项挑战。 长期来看,这将影响企业的竞争能力。 改变迎向挑战 他表示,企业在面对充满挑战的时期,就必须作出改变,否则将面对无法走出困境的风险。…