FEDELIS is now an MDEC Technology Solution Partner!

In order to encourage more small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to adopt digitalisation in their day-to-day business operations, the Malaysian government has introduced the SME Business Digitalisation Grant. The favourable provisions for digital adoption set out in the 2020 Budget show that the government is actively encouraging more local businesses to move forward and digitalise.…

23rd December 2020 | Webinar: How to Protect your Business, Data & People from latest Breed of Security Threats

❗ There’s a cyber-attack every 39 seconds. ❗ Only 38% of global organizations claim they’re prepared to handle a sophisticated cyber-attack. ❗ 95% of cybersecurity breaches trace back to human error. What’s even more compelling is real-life events that demonstrate the tangible impact on organizations from cyber-attacks, so to help illustrate just how important cybersecurity…