Microsoft Innovative Teachers Program

In collaboration with University Malaya (UM), Fedelis has been appointed as the training partner for Microsoft Innovative Teachers program which will officially start on 25th Jan 2021. The objective of this program is to assist K-12 schools in Malaysia to embrace technology in remote teaching during the Covid-19 pandemic. We have been preparing for this…

10th DEC 2019 | Global Microsoft 365 Developer Bootcamp

We are excited to kick off the 2019 Global Microsoft 365 Developer Bootcamp in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. This year’s bootcamp will incorporate the technologies and products that are now included in the Microsoft 365 platform. They will happen worldwide from October 1 through December 15, 2019 Bootcamps are a free, one-day, hands-on training event led…

商界应敢敢用科技 | 蔡惠彬

  We are featured in Nanyang Siang Pao arcticle on 19th July 2019. 1961 年, 美国总统肯尼迪宣布美国将派人登月。当时, 大多数美国人都不支持这个建议, 因为登月工程费用庞大、 技术困难、 准备仓促、 致命风险高、 失败风险大, 种种未知因素也令人害怕。   尽管如此, 40 万名工程师、 科学家和技术专才精诚团结, 在强大的反对声中默默耕耘, 努力实现登月宏愿。 肯尼迪于1961年在美国国会中说: “我们选择在这年代登月和干大事, 不是因为它们易如反掌, 而是因为它们难如登天。   得到启发的专业团队创造和制定了登月方案, 同时发明和改进新科技。 50 年前的今天, 美国太空人成功在月球登陆。   追求美好前景时, 大马制定了以科技为核心的战略路线图。 过去 28 年, 政府政策以科技为重, 目的是打造能在 21 世纪竞争的经济体。 不过, 从经济体的角度看, 我们运用科技威力时,只选择容易做到的事。 以 2020…