28 AUG 2024 | Microsoft 365 Teams User Training

Microsoft Teams can help you stay connected with your colleagues, staff and educators while providing access to all the tools and resources you need to get your work done. Remote working with Microsoft Teams can keep you focus to maintain your work and documentations while allowing flexibility in how and where you get your job done!   28th August…

18 APRIL 2023 | Microsoft Cloud Discovery Day

Welcome to the April Discovery Series. This month we bring you two discovery workshops   PART 1: Maximizing productivity with Microsoft 365 Microsoft 365 is the leading productivity tool for Modern Work, even more so with the incorporation of ChatGPT into the solution stack code named Microsoft Co-Pilot.   Whether you are already on the…

22 FEB 2023 | Microsoft 365 Discovery Journey Workshop

Digital transformation is a journey. Adopting Microsoft 365 is an important milestone in modern workplace transformation. Likewise, maximizing your investment in Microsoft 365 is also a journey. Are you ready to leverage on your existing investment to bring your work productivity to another level? How about backup & security? What else is there in the…

27 October 2022 | aMS Conference KL 2022

The in-person aMS Kuala Lumpur Conference is back this year on the 27thOctober 2022 at Microsoft Malaysia. FEDELIS as the organizer team for this annual event would like to invite you to this largest community event in Malaysia.   Meet other Microsoft users, mingle with speakers from around the world, ask questions.  Get a deeper…

6 Oct 2022 | BNI Open Day

On 6th October 2022, Vincent presented to a group of 40 business owners on the state of Digitalization in the construction industry.   In the session, he talked about how 75% of the industry have yet to embrace modern work platforms, most relying on free apps, public emails or basic SMTP emails.   He also…

28 Sep 2022 | Digital Transformation Journey Session 2

On 28 September 2022, our senior consultant and Microsoft MVP Vincent Choy, and our Business Development Manager Linda Kong shared with 110 members and guests of the Master Builders Association on Modern Work.   Vincent shared on why it’s the right time for the industry to embrace modern work technology, while Linda talked about the…

5th May 2022 | Microsoft 365 Virtual Marathon 2022

Email Spoofing has become common place. Very often, email is the attack vector hackers use to first penetrate an account. Using fake email and messages, they target both the unsuspecting public, your customers, or even your own users, for financial and other malicious gains. Its easy for them to do this because Email lacks the…