5th May 2022 | Microsoft 365 Virtual Marathon 2022

Email Spoofing has become common place. Very often, email is the attack vector hackers use to first penetrate an account. Using fake email and messages, they target both the unsuspecting public, your customers, or even your own users, for financial and other malicious gains. Its easy for them to do this because Email lacks the…

25th March 2022 | IEM Health and Wellness Symposium: Cyberthreats and How We Can Protect Ourselves Against It?

IEM Health and Wellness Symposium: Cyberthreats and How We Can Protect Ourselves Against It? The Young Engineers Section under the Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (IEM YES) will be organising a National Level Student Section Symposium from 25/3/2022 – 27/3/2022. Our goal is to nurture the emotional health of students, develop their teamwork and leadership skills…

10th March 2022 | Dropbox Business: How Personalizing The Customer Experience Can Strengthen Your Sales

Dropbox Business: How Personalizing The Customer Experience Can Strengthen Your Sales To stay competitive, you need to provide your customers with memorable experiences. Today, your customers likely to have experienced at competitive bidding and focused on value over price. Most businesses say improving the customer experience is their top priority 1, and many are reworking…