Let us help you build your corporate Intranet

How we can help

We help you map your business needs to your Intranet

The Intranet has been around for more than 10 years. Many first generation Intranets failed because they fail to support the employee’s every day work and failed to make the daily process easier. Our Architects will help you conduct a visioning workshop to map out the areas where the Intranet will provide real productive value to the organization

We show you the end game, but help you start with baby steps

Sharepoint is a powerful platform on which almost anything can be built. Sometimes, its hard to explain to both the developer and management what is required. Our developers have built whole libraries of apps from HR – Leave, Overtime, Medical, Training requests, to Office Automation – Room Booking, Transport Request, Stationary Requests..etc. We can assist you to start small but we can show you what the future looks like anization.

We help you with Document Management

This is a very common workload for new Intranet Sites. However, many document libraries end up mirroring a file server. Our consultants will first help you determine what are the documents that your firm with, and how the users search for these documents in the course of their work. We will then help you build a classification system where the search indexes reflect how various users will actually look for the document.

For companies working with paper documents, we work with our partners to perform document capture, where we scan paper documents, auto-extract relevant data (eg invoice numbers, delivery order numbers..etc) and auto-fill up the document indexes to simplify the process. Our extraction tool will also convert text in these documents to pdf searchable, so that you can also perform deep searches on these documents.

An Intranet where work is done

Your first intranet probably ended up as “Where work is put”. As users get used to accessing the intranet to get corporate information and documents, the next phase is to upgrade the Intranet to enhance specific workloads.

We will use templates to help you determine what workloads would bring the most benefit.

From there you can either select from our developer’s list of pre-developed apps, or use tools like Nintex to automate your forms and workflows.


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