Knowledge and experiences are the essential empowerment before effectiveness can be achieved. Business analytics is the best platform to deliver knowledge and experiences to the business. With our unique “simplifying effectiveness” belief anchored on practitioner business-led experiences, we offer full-cycle analytics platform and practice for formulation, transformation, operationalisation and sustenance using Microsoft leading business intelligence and analytics offerings.
Game change your business with insights and experiences based execution
A Differentiating Platform to Deliver Business Effectiveness
Effectiveness Dilemma
Business’s real differentiator is Effectiveness. Most businesses are focused on accomplishing tasks with the better ones achieving different levels of efficiency. But only few are able to achieve true effectiveness because operationalised empowerment is essential before effectiveness can be achieved.
We help businesses achieve effectiveness by purposing and simplifying business outputs into insights and experiences for effective business outcomes by putting in place an analytics platform to empower business execution.
4-Step Execution
We conceived a simplified 4-step execution approach which revolve in form but evolve in substance to ensure a continual competitive business edge. Central to the approach is a set of effective outcomes to be achieved:
Purpose | formulation: This step will dwell into the core business and core business issues to derive desired and effective business outcomes.
Simplify | transformation: Complexity will add to the difficulty in achieving effectiveness. After purposing, the existing needs to be reviewed and simplified as far as possible.
Effective Outcomes: Effective outcomes are those that differentiate the business against competition. They are keenly core business related and cut across business functions. The insights and experiences to achieve the outcomes are empowered by our analytics platform.
Baseline | operationalisation: Achieving the effective outcomes needs to be baselined as the modus operandi.
Sustain | sustenance: The baseline needs to become a habit and way of life then can effectiveness be sustained.
Our Solution Approach
Our outcomes are directed at business effectiveness. Hence, our approach is business-led, not IT-led. We focus on business and related data which the businesses generate and possess as they have direct relevance to the businesses.
We need to deep dive and be agile in execution. To best serve this purpose, we adopt Microsoft leading suite of business intelligence and analytics offerings which allow a tool-oriented versus a rigid application-oriented approach.

“FEDELIS” is adapted from Latin word “fidelis”, meaning trustworthy, loyal, confidant and related values. These are core values for a data related business. The main founders of FEDELIS have been working together for more than 16 years before venturing to form the company. The company name is a statement of our character and core values.
“simplifying effectiveness” as our motto embeds our belief that to be long-term and sustaining with staff stability, value creation and effectiveness in simplified ways are key, although difficult to achieve. But achieving it will be a strong competitive differentiator.
We bring with us fundamental practitioner experience in using analytics to execute business with unconventional foresight on its capability to empower business effectiveness. Our focus is in plugging the data gap and expertise of smaller businesses using analytics as it is even more so critical and game changing to do so for them as big companies forge forward.
We view analytics as a core strategic asset for empowering business multipliers. Multipliers are achievable only if the business can harness internal and external strengths as an ecosystem. We have the experience to cultivate such an ecosystem and achieve much more far reaching key organisation benefits beyond numbers.