Dear Valued Customer,
With the historical implementation of a movement restriction order in our country, Team Fedelis will be working from home until the all clear is given by the government. This announcement has required us to move from a work from anywhere (including from the office) business model, to a full work from home model. This transition is easy for us as Office 365 have been our base collaborative platform for a long while.
Our team will now do our daily huddle online in the morning and evening where everyone comes together online to update on these 3 essential matters:
What’s up?
Where are the daily metrics?
Where are you stuck?
The daily huddle can be found in the book “Scaling Up” by Verne Harnish and is also used by highly successful leaders including John D Rockefeller and Steve Jobs.
Microsoft has also stepped in to help in the current situation. As a close Microsoft platform advocator, we are pleased to inform that they have announced several initiatives which include:
– Microsoft Teams Premium 6 months trial for customers with Exchange Online or MS-Office only subscription and with a 1000-license trial account for your use.
– Microsoft E1 6 months trial, for companies who would need a full Microsoft suite for up to 2500 licenses, or more on request.
– Minecraft Education Edition is available to all schools with a valid Office 365 Education account.
Our team is also available to offer our services should you need to implement a work from home urgently.
You can either contact us via email at: [email protected]
You can also arrange for an online meeting with any of our staff via the booking link below:[email protected]/bookings/
or alternatively, contact us as you require
Sales Inquiry: [email protected]
Support Inquiry: [email protected] (Eng)
Finance Inquiry: [email protected] (Farah)
Event & Training: [email protected] (Atira)
In the meantime, we wish everyone continues to keep healthy and vigilant and together put up a good fight against COVID-19.
In a positive light, let’s take this opportunity to harness and demonstrate that technology can build a more resilient and friendly business and learning environment that transcend mindsets and operational paradigm beyond COVID-19.
Thank you and stay safe <3