Modern Work

Modern Work 

Modern Work refers to a suite of IT Applications that allow a business enterprise to do 21st Century work safely. These includes applications for Email, content sharing, online meetings, co-authoring, borderless work, hybrid work, process automation, AI, mobile friendly…essentially apps that enable a firm to do work at the speed of digital. 


21st Century, but we are not ready 

As we move towards the 21st Century, global labour organizations start looking into the future of work, the requirements of the 21st Century workforce. Malaysia’s MOE has also issued the education blueprint for 2013-2025, in it, MOE outline’s its strategy of imparting 21st Century skills to the next generation, preparing them for the challenges they will face in the next century. 

Corporate IT lags Personal IT 

In our personal lives, we have embraced technology well. From eBanking, online purchases, online government, ewallets, social media, online chats etc. Much of daily lives can be conducted using digital technology. The government is even talking about a digital ID. 


75% of Malaysia SME workforce is using outdated technology 

Yet at work, our studies have found that in Malaysia almost 75% of SMEs, meaning 75% of the SME workforce, is using outdated technology for work. The only official IT tools the company subscribes to is typically MS-Office and Email. The rest, are free tools, shadow IT, etc. This exposes the company and its users to cybersecurity attack, leaks, information loss etc as the company has no administrative control over the free tools and have no idea how safe these free tools are. 

Embracing Modern Work Tools

Malaysia needs to embrace Modern Work Tools 

Yet the rest of the world has upgraded to Modern Work Platforms like Google Workspace, Microsoft365 and others. These are secured, productivity platforms that include everything from Emails, Online File Storage, Online file sharing, Online Meetings, Online Collaboration, Online Scheduling, Online Presentations/Word Processing/Spreadsheets, Online Shift Management, eSignatures, Online Approvals..etc.  


If Malaysia were to do business with the rest of the world, and compete with similar companies from other parts of the world, then our companies need to bring their workforce to embrace modern work tools and equip them with modern work skills. 


Technology has advanced to such a stage, that advanced IT work tools are easily accessible at affordable prices. The same family of work tools used by global giants like Shell and Tesla, are avaliable to the local 5 person SME at RM15 per user per month (USD3 ). This is probably 0.5% of payroll.  The challenge is to persuade the local SMEs to upgrade themselves and use these tools. 

Modern Work Transformation Consultation, Products and Services 

In line with the maturity model, we would provide consultation and services to assist SMEs keen to embark on the journey of transformation. These services would include 

Modern Work Maturity Assessment 

Modern Work Maturity Workshops 

Modern Work-related government incentives / grants awareness briefings 

Modern Work ready work tools related services that include 

  • Product Suitability Assessments
  • Product user trainings
  • Product champion trainings
  • Manager / Team lead trainings
  • Admin Trainings
  • Adoption workshops
  • Refresher workshops
  • Hybrid work consultation
  • Using AI to improve work workshops
  • Process Automation Consultation and Implementation
  • eSignature Consultation and Implementation
  • eInvoicing Consultation and Implementation
  • Product Customization Services


Technology/tools used/adapted * 

The technology components include but not limited to –